Patient 33

Patient 33

Date: Fri Jun 21 18:32:26 2002
Subject: Anal Fissure


I would like to include the email ( and website ( of my friend Kristina, a colon hydrotherapist and nutritionist, who was instrumental in my finding a definitive treatment and possible cure for my anal fissure.

Background: I am a male in my early 50s. I have had an anal fissure for at least six years and have been treating the fissure outside of conventional medicine for about two years. The fissure came gradually, likely from stress. Although examined by HMO doctors early, nothing was diagnosed. After pain and bleeding increased, I went on the web and self-diagnosed a classical anal fissure. A new private doctor confirmed my diagnosis. For about two years I used prescription cortisone creams and other ointments. Cortisone relieved pain, but cured nothing. All mineral-based ointments agitated the fissure. The slightest bit of alcohol, chocolate or fish oil in my diet agitated the fissure. A surgeon was recommended. After two consultations, I got scared off by the prospect of surgery.

A friend recommended wholistic medicine. Another friend recommended hydrotherapy. I discovered Kristina and we used a combination of nutrition, stool softeners, herbal medicine and timely hydrotherapy with self-administered enemas to subdue the fissure. While experimenting with the enemas, I discovered that a bulb-type nozzle was an effective tool, without the enema, to apply the herbal medicine on the fissure and to massage the anus. This technique has been superb. I have retorn the fissure during defecation only twice in the last year. Except for some occasional itching, I have been free of pain and bleeding, have been able to pass occasional hard stools and have been able to drink alcohol, eat chocolate and eliminate stool softeners. I do watch my diet however, eating alot of fruits and vegetables and much less starch.

Besides treating and curing the fissure, there is also a larger message here. It appears that cleansing, massage and other natural therapies are as useful and important for the lower end of the body as they are for other more visible areas, for example as brushing one's teeth or combing one's hair.

Treatment components:

  1. Colon hydrotherapy and enemas. Besides the benefits of cleansing, hyrotherapy gives a person a clean rectal area and a break from defecation for about three days. Enemas allow a one or two-day break. I initially used a enema recipe from Kristina including aloe vera and olive oil. I now use just warm water. These herapies allow the fissure some healing time. If I feel I have re-injured the fissure during defecation, I will do 2-3 enemas over the next week to avoid normal defecation.
  2. Stool softeners. I started with a fine fiber supplement made from flax. I have always been a fruit and vegetable eater, but added more dietary fiber. I then found flax oil capsules. One or two a day will keep the stool soft. I also took vitamin and mineral supplements. At present, I am totally off of stool softeners, but will add them back as necessary
  3. Herbal paste. Kristina prescribed an herbal paste which has been the only topical treatment of the many I have tried that not only prevents fissure swelling and infection, the main cause of fissure pain, but facilitates cure and lubrication. The ingredients may vary, depending on how often you use it. I typically make enough to fill a common photo film cannister. You may want to look for a better container to carry around because the cannisters do leak a bit. Ingredients include 3-5 drops of liquid lavender, 4-8 drops of liquid garlic, one emptied capsule of MSM (ask Kristina what it is) and fill the remainder of the cannister with a high-quality olive oil. If you do not have all of the ingredients on hand, the garlic and the olive oil may suffice for a start. You may also add a drop or two of aloe vera. During the early stages of treatement, I carried this paste with me to apply after defecation. Be advised that too much garlic or lavender in the mix or too long of an application time can cause external itching or burn the inside of the rectum, so don't overdo it.
  4. Enema nozzle. At one point I decided to purchase a bulb-type enema and noticed that inserting the thick, rounded, hard plastic nozzle and stretching the anal sphinctor actually seemd to make the sphinctor muscle feel better. I discovered that using it to apply the paste in a relaxed manned in bed offered immediate relief. The nozzle enabled me to apply the paste inside the anus where the fissure was. Dipping the nozzle in the paste and then inserting and removing it slowly several times effectively massaged the muscle. With only 10-15 minutes of this therapy once a day for just a few days, the fissure seemed to heal quickly. Muscle tone returned, the anus began to dilate properly before defecation and defecations became largely painless. I initially used a nozzle that was just under an inch in thickness. I then purchased a nozzle that was 1 1/4 inch thick with the intention of stretching and massaging the anus to the width of the widest stool. This therapy seems to be working. I do it less often, maybe twice a week. Once the fissure surface healed and stopped hurting, I stopped using the paste. I now do the massage with K-Y jelly or a similar product. If the fissure should again cause problems, I would go back to earlier steps. The fissure surface heals much faster than the underlying muscle tear, so expect the treatment to take time.

I hope this helps alot of people. Ric

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