Hi Jack,
I had my first AF and hemorrhoids after the delivery of my first child 7 years ago. With in a month after the delivery, every BM was red with blood. Imagine how traumatizing it would be for a first time mom! I started taking suppositories intended for hemorrhoids. They helped very little and mostly with the pain. I did not get much relief from the fissure for at least a year. This, despite going on a high fiber diet and stopping breastfeeding. I used to drink a glass of prune juice after every meal to clear up the bowels so I wouldn't have the initial hard stool that would tear up the lining.
Now, I have never had hemorrhoids or AFs before child birth. My theory is that the process of pregnancy and childbirth did something to the inside organs and as a result I was not able to empty bowels during a BM. The constant tearing and bleeding was too much. I was scared to have another child. I have to say that your website gave me hope to keep trying out different things. I was getting better but was not completely cured.
What really helped me was flax meal. I concocted a recipe to eat about 2-3 tablespoons of flax meal and then drink a lot of water. This I did after having my lunch. Very soon I was having trouble-free BMs. I think the fiber and the oils (flax meal is oily - full of healthy omega-3 oils) worked together to keep everything smooth and moving. Then I had my second child and continued on this treatment. I was able to breastfeed my second child for 15 months without any trouble on that front. Sometime during this time, I started taking fish-oil supplements. I continued this regimen for a year and then was off of the flax meal. But I continued taking the fish-oil supplements. I consider myself cured. I think the flax-meal did what I consider "bowel-retraining". I think the fish-oil, while being beneficial, also keeps things moving smoothly in the intestines.
Please post this on your web-site if you think it will be useful to others. Also, please omit my email address.