I think it is good to share lightweight table designs so that anyone building a table can consider them. Here is mine. I would like to see other designs. I can easily lift this table and move it by myself.
The FLL website has the detailed construction information for their version of the playing field, but I prefer a much simpler playing field design detailed here. I can easily lift this table and move it by myself.
I finally got smart and cut some construction guides from strips of wood to the inside dimension of the table. These construction guides shorten the build time considerably and help make a better table. These lengths are 45" and 93". You can get away with one each but having two of each will speed construction. Be very careful about cutting them to the proper length since they will determine the size of your table. I screw long and short 2"x4"'s to the two edges and then use the guides to space out the other boards and then screw them on. This goes very quickly and makes a very nice light weight playing field.
We put on competitions with 10 or so teams. For competitions, we place the tables on the floor and then have people sit on the carpet around them for a first row or two of spectators. We have two rows of chairs behind these and then people stand behind the chairs. This forms a natural set of bleachers for very little effort. We have used it for about five events and are happy with it. The tables stay flat and as level as the floor is level. We use the overhead fluorescent lights rather than building the light part of the tables. This has worked well and no one has reported light sensor problems.
I think it is good to share table designs so that anyone building a table can consider them. If you have a design you would like to share, then please send it to me at FLLBoardsailor.com.
21 Aug '04 | Put in note saying Home Depot white board look good after laying out for a week. |
1 Sep '03 | First cut. |