Dear Jack,
I read with interest your Anal Fissure Self Help page and would like to inform you of a new company that is directing their efforts towards patients with anal fissure problems. OrigynRx was started by a colon and rectal surgeon and a pharmacists to provide a Full Service Prescription Service to physicians and their patients. OrigynRx specializes in topical medications for Anal Fissures, Hemorrhoids and Anal Incontinence. Most importantly, along with the topical medication OrigynRx provides a focused dose delivery system, which includes AccuTip, a side slotted anal application tip and DoseRite, a device that assures accuracy for every single dose. This proprietary delivery system solves the problem of both imprecise anodermal focus and inaccurate dosing.
One of the shortcomings of anal topical medications has been the imprecision of self administered dosing. This deficit has resulted from the inherent difficulty of accurately dispensing an exact dose of the medication primarily to the anal mucosa. Unpredictability of both the amount and the administration site of topicals can encumber patient treatment and patient compliance.
Here is how the service works: 1) A physician has to write a prescription, which the patient faxes to OrigynRx. 2) OrigynRx ships the prescribed topical medication including the delivery system directly to the patient via FedEx. It's as simple as that!
OrigynRx can provide the physician with an Reference List of the latest articles on both topical nitrates (nitroglycerine) and calcium channel blockers. Our pharmacist on staff can also assist should the physician have questions. OrigynRx will provide the physician with a Prescription Order Form listing the topical medications that are available through our services.
You can get more information on OrigynRx at its website:
If you would like more information, please feel free to contact me at
Please let me know if you need any more information.
Kind regards,
Armand Maaskamp