Patient 20

Patient 20

Subject: anal fissure cure suggestions
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 01:00:10

Hi Jack - Thanks so much for your page, it has been a great help to me. My doctor says anal fissures are the most common thing he sees, and yet there is so little information out there! And the haphazard, figure-it-out-for-yourself, you're-on-your-own remedies and treatments are just appalling to me. My doctor (who I'm in the process of replacing) has been virtually no help whatsoever, and he couldn't care less about the level of pain I've been in, which has prompted me to try everything I could think of.

That's why I'm writing, in case my ideas may help someone else - I tried all the different hemorroid creams and such, just for pain relief, with Nupercainal coming the closest to being a relief for awhile. I found that anything with praximine in it, including the "Analpram" that was prescribed by the doctor, to be too much of a burning sensation to be of help. So my latest discovery is, of all things, Anbesol or Orajel or Orabase-b, any oral analgesics for gum sores, canker sores, etc. They have 20% Benzocaine, vs. 1% lidocaine in the Nupercainal. I figured gum tissue couldn't be much different from rectal area tissue, and I checked first with the pharmacist who recommended not choosing one with any alcohol, and the result is very good for numbing the pain.

Also, haven't seen anyone using mineral oil or glycerin suppositories in your letters, but they've been the biggest help for me, together with stool softeners and fiber. I'm better this week for the first time in 3 months. (I take 2-3 teaspoons of the mineral oil 3 times a day; 2 Colace 3 times a day; a child size suppository a few minutes before I'm going to try to go. My problem was that the fiber made the movement still too big, and I was still straining to pass it, so the suppository and oil "grease up" the passage! Sorry to be so graphic, but then we've all been there, eh?!)

Thanks again - feel free to post my name and email address, I'm happy to respond if I can to anyone who writes. Debbie

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